Single Wall Stove Pipe
The Vortex black single wall stove pipe for wood stoves is made of 22-gauge steel, laser welded and powder coated for maximum durability.
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SP00070SLIP CONNECTOR SINGLE WALL BLACK PIPE - 6"Ø (4"-18")Designed to connect irregular lengths of stove pipe. The slip connector is adjustable from 4" to 18"L.
▪ Our connectors are made from premium 22 ga steel.
▪ Our pipes are welded, which gives them a much nicer appearance and ensure a sturdier assembly, unlike other 24 ga clip-on pipes.
▪ Our stove pipes come with a limited lifetime warranty to give you peace of mind.
USD $29.00
SP00071SLIP CONNECTOR SINGLE WALL BLACK PIPE - 7"Ø (4"-18")Designed to connect irregular lengths of stove pipe. The slip connector is adjustable from 4" to 18"L.
▪ Our connectors are made from premium 22 ga steel.
▪ Our pipes are welded, which gives them a much nicer appearance and ensure a sturdier assembly, unlike other 24 ga clip-on pipes.
▪ Our stove pipes come with a limited lifetime warranty to give you peace of mind.
USD $37.00
SP00072SLIP CONNECTOR SINGLE WALL BLACK PIPE - 8"Ø (4"-18")Designed to connect irregular lengths of stove pipe. The slip connector is adjustable from 4" to 18"L.
▪ Our connectors are made from premium 22 ga steel.
▪ Our pipes are welded, which gives them a much nicer appearance and ensure a sturdier assembly, unlike other 24 ga clip-on pipes.
▪ Our stove pipes come with a limited lifetime warranty to give you peace of mind.
USD $55.00
SP00210COUPLING SECTION SINGLE WALL BLACK - 6"ØUsed to join two sections. For easy inspection, maintenance, and cleaning.
▪ Our connectors are made from premium 22 ga steel.
▪ Our pipes are welded, which gives them a much nicer appearance and ensure a sturdier assembly, unlike other 24 ga clip-on pipes.
▪ Our stove pipes come with a limited lifetime warranty to give you peace of mind.
USD $23.00
SP00211COUPLING SECTION SINGLE WALL BLACK - 7"ØUsed to join two sections. For easy inspection, maintenance, and cleaning.
▪ Our connectors are made from premium 22 ga steel.
▪ Our pipes are welded, which gives them a much nicer appearance and ensure a sturdier assembly, unlike other 24 ga clip-on pipes.
▪ Our stove pipes come with a limited lifetime warranty to give you peace of mind.
USD $25.00
SP00212COUPLING SECTION SINGLE WALL BLACK - 8"ØUsed to join two sections. For easy inspection, maintenance, and cleaning.
▪ Our connectors are made from premium 22 ga steel.
▪ Our pipes are welded, which gives them a much nicer appearance and ensure a sturdier assembly, unlike other 24 ga clip-on pipes.
▪ Our stove pipes come with a limited lifetime warranty to give you peace of mind.
USD $27.00
SP00230BLACK SINGLE WALL TILE CONNECTOR ADAPTER - 6"ØUsed to connect the stove pipe to the tile connector.
▪ Our connectors are made from premium 22 ga steel.
▪ Our pipes are welded, which gives them a much nicer appearance and ensure a sturdier assembly, unlike other 24 ga clip-on pipes.
▪ Our stove pipes come with a limited lifetime warranty to give you peace of mind.
USD $22.00
SP00231BLACK SINGLE WALL TILE CONNECTOR ADAPTER - 7"ØUsed to connect the stove pipe to the tile connector.
▪ Our connectors are made from premium 22 ga steel.
▪ Our pipes are welded, which gives them a much nicer appearance and ensure a sturdier assembly, unlike other 24 ga clip-on pipes.
▪ Our stove pipes come with a limited lifetime warranty to give you peace of mind.
USD $26.00
SP00236CAST IRON CONNECTOR FOR TILE BLACK SINGLE WALL - 7"ØConnects the 7" stove pipe to a masonry tile.
▪ Our connectors are made from premium 22 ga steel.
▪ Our pipes are welded, which gives them a much nicer appearance and ensure a sturdier assembly, unlike other 24 ga clip-on pipes.
▪ Our stove pipes come with a limited lifetime warranty to give you peace of mind.
USD $29.00
SP00237CAST IRON CONNECTOR FOR TILE BLACK SINGLE WALL - 8"ØConnects the 8" stove pipe to a masonry tile.
▪ Our connectors are made from premium 22 ga steel.
▪ Our pipes are welded, which gives them a much nicer appearance and ensure a sturdier assembly, unlike other 24 ga clip-on pipes.
▪ Our stove pipes come with a limited lifetime warranty to give you peace of mind.
USD $29.00
SP00235CAST IRON CONNECTOR FOR TILE BLACK SINGLE WALL - 6"ØConnects the 6" stove pipe to a masonry tile.
▪ Our connectors are made from premium 22 ga steel.
▪ Our pipes are welded, which gives them a much nicer appearance and ensure a sturdier assembly, unlike other 24 ga clip-on pipes.
▪ Our stove pipes come with a limited lifetime warranty to give you peace of mind.
USD $27.00
SP00350STOVE CONNECTOR SINGLE WALL BLACK PIPE - 6"ØFor easy conection to the stoves flue collar.
▪ Our connectors are made from premium 22 ga steel.
▪ Our pipes are welded, which gives them a much nicer appearance and ensure a sturdier assembly, unlike other 24 ga clip-on pipes.
▪ Our stove pipes come with a limited lifetime warranty to give you peace of mind.
USD $17.00