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USD $489.00
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Overall firebox volume
2.7 ft³
Maximum log length
Shipping weight
96 lb (44 kg) 75 lb (34 kg)
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Kit Includes: "Grizzly" Campstove, Attachable Pipe Collar (AC-CSPC), Four 2' Pipe Sections (AC-CSPIPEKIT), and Attachable Shelf (AC-CSSHELFL).

Constructed of welded, heavy-duty 12-gauge steel for longevity, these stoves are sized just right to remain portable yet very useful, whatever your needs may be-whether camping in a wall tent, ice fishing house, or just out in the Great Outdoors. Removable legs fit inside the stove body, and the stove's top edges are bent to double as handy carrying handles.

The 4” diameter pipe outlet (with included pipe collar) is offset to provide maximum cooking space, and the top of the stove gets more than hot enough for cooking- this model can reach 800° F. The Grizzly is also large enough to heat wall tents up to 16' x 24'.

NOTE: NOT for use in homes. Only for use outdoors.

  • HexaTech™ Hexagonal firebox design provides long burn times and even heat distribution

  • Circular door damper and in-door air redirect for easy start-ups and precise temperature control

  • High temp. fiberglass door gasket is a unique feature that gives more efficient, longer-lasting burns

  • Included spring handles keep the door latch and damper controls cool to the touch

Fuel typeDry cordwood
Overall firebox volume2.7 ft³
Mobile home approved No
Overall dimension (Width)17"
Overall dimension (Height)25 3/4"
Overall dimension (Depth)28"
Flue outlet diameter4"
Distance-center of the flue outlet to back unit3 1/2"
Distance-center of the flue outlet to side unit9"
Recommended chimney diameter4"
Door typeSteel
Door opening size (Width)8"
Door opening size (Height)8"
Steel thickness-body12 Ga
Steel thickness-top12 Ga
Firebox size (Width)14 1/2"
Firebox size (Height)15"
Firebox size (Depth)23 1/2"
Maximum log length22"
Log positioningLoading over depth
WarrantyLimited 1 year to carbon steel and welds of firebox
Shipping weight96 lb (44 kg) 75 lb (34 kg)
Clearances to combustibles*
Single wall pipeDouble wall pipeSingle wall pipeDouble wall pipe
Clearance - Corner48"77 1/2"48"48"
Clearance - Side wall48"48"48"48"
Clearance - Base of the unit to ceiling**77 1/2"48"77 1/2"48"
Clearance - Back wall48"48"48"77 1/2"

*The information given on the certification label affixed to the appliance always overrides the information published in any other media (owner's manual, catalogues, flyers, magazines and/or web sites).

**Some appliances have been tested with a low ceiling. Before setting up your unit, refer to the installation manual.

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