Pellet Vent
The Vortex brand pellet stove pipe is made of stainless steel (inner wall) and galvalume steel (outer wall) for maximum durability.
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VOP03603" PELLET JET CAPMade of stainless steel, this cap is used to protect against the weather and to improve chimney draft.
•Strong and durable venting thanks to its outer wall in galvalume steel and its inner wall in stainless steel
•Revolutionary gasket system that prevents leaks and does not require the use of silicone
•Smooth-weld technology for virtually invisible seams
• Precision formed ends for a better finish
•Complies with NFPA 211, CSA B365, UL 641, CAN/ULC S609 and ULC/ORD C441 standards
AØ : 3.75"
B : 7.7"
CØ : 2.75"
D : 3.02"
CAD $60.00
VOP03614" PELLET JET CAPMade of stainless steel, this cap is used to protect against the weather and to improve chimney draft.
•Strong and durable venting thanks to its outer wall in galvalume steel and its inner wall in stainless steel
•Revolutionary gasket system that prevents leaks and does not require the use of silicone
•Smooth-weld technology for virtually invisible seams
• Precision formed ends for a better finish
•Complies with NFPA 211, CSA B365, UL 641, CAN/ULC S609 and ULC/ORD C441 standards
AØ : 4.75"
B : 9.12"
CØ : 3.75"
D : 4.12"
CAD $60.00
VOP04014" PELLET VERTICAL CAPFeatures a quick connect clamp for easy access to clean or inspect the chimney.
•Strong and durable venting thanks to its outer wall in galvalume steel and its inner wall in stainless steel
•Revolutionary gasket system that prevents leaks and does not require the use of silicone
•Smooth-weld technology for virtually invisible seams
• Precision formed ends for a better finish
•Complies with NFPA 211, CSA B365, UL 641, CAN/ULC S609 and ULC/ORD C441 standards
AØ : 4"
BØ : 4.75"
C : 3"
D : 8.48"
CAD $80.00
VOP04003" PELLET VERTICAL CAPFeatures a quick connect clamp for easy access to clean or inspect the chimney.
•Strong and durable venting thanks to its outer wall in galvalume steel and its inner wall in stainless steel
•Revolutionary gasket system that prevents leaks and does not require the use of silicone
•Smooth-weld technology for virtually invisible seams
• Precision formed ends for a better finish
•Complies with NFPA 211, CSA B365, UL 641, CAN/ULC S609 and ULC/ORD C441 standards
AØ : 3"
BØ : 3.75"
C : 3"
D : 8.48"
CAD $80.00